Thursday, February 15, 2007

Guide to America's fortune 500 companies

Many of us have relatives, friends working in US for various companies. If we want to know more about those companies we can visit their particular website. But, if you want to know details of the most popular fortune 500 companies all at one place and also if you want to know about their revenues and where they are located -- Visit It has details of over 500 companies spread across length and breadth of US.You have the option to view these company details either by their location or by their industry. The location details are drilled down to The west, Midwest, south, east and New York city. By industry, these are grouped into Manufacturing, Service, Financial and Information technology. You can find the respective companies in their groups. Once you click on the details of the company, you will get a small description of what they do and what are their major products and their sales and revenue details. You can also get the companies website address and also its location address. You can find the company building photograph along with the details. Soon to be added features include all companies rankings by revenues and revenue wise top 20 companies list. Some of the companies that find their place here are Enron,Microsoft,Nike,Pacific corp etc to name a few. On the home page, you can find "today's company" where the newly added company details will be there.
Conclusion :The site has got more textual content and even though you have the pictures of the companies buildings shown in their profiles, they doesn't take much time to load. The navigation is simple and easy. This site is mostly useful for all those who would like to know which company is doing what and what's their sales and revenue. Also, as a general knowledge we can get to know about the companies in and around a particular state and also we can understand how big a company is based on their sales and revenues.

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